Design a Better Life Instead of Managing a Shitty One

hoperyto  posted on  2020-09-29

It's more important to design for a better life, than to try manage a shitty one.

  1. Don't manage what can be changed
  2. Have a goal, direction or purpose
    No amount of organizing your life can give you that.
    Find your purpose, the rest is secondary

Productivity tools can't give your life direction, meaning or purpose.
Figure out where you want to go and how you want your life to look,
the rest will sort itself out.

Task management systems help organize the items you're surrounded by.
But if you're surrounded by shit, it'd be better to figure how to
get out of it instead of spending spend your life arranging it.

Whether you use GTD or something else to do that is secondary.

Getting Nothing Done: A misguided quest for productivity {Robert Heaton}

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

How to win friends and influence repos {Robert Heaton}

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

Confessions of a Recovering Lifehacker {John Pavlus}

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

My Memex Highlights

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

HN Discussion on Confessions of a Recovering Lifehacker

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

Panchayat Discussion: The Danger of Outgrowing Your Lifestyle {ERE}

hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29


hoperyto  commented on  2020-09-29

hoperyto  commented on  2021-03-08

"As Nietzsche put it, if you have a why to live, you can bear almost any how.

A meaningful life can be extremely satisfying even in the midst of hardship, whereas a meaningless life is a terrible ordeal no matter how comfortable it is"

Substitute "comfortable" with "organised" or "productive" in the above Quote from Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harris for a concise, nice summary of the above