Migratory drones

alb_d  posted on  2021-03-18

Is it possible to build drones that migrate across large distances?

Say you have your typical drone or a light VTOL airplane. Its got a battery and a folding solar panel. It will fly towards the destination until it becomes low on battery power. Then it uses its cameras to scout for transmission lines or rooftops to perch on. Once perched it opens its solar panel and charges its battery. If its motion sensor detects any human or animal approaching it, it just flies off and finds a new perching spot. Once charged it continues flying towards its destination.

alb_d  commented on  2021-03-18

Maybe also carry some paint to drop whenever you detect car windshields :P

hoperyto  commented on  2021-04-16

Neat idea!

hoperyto  commented on  2021-04-16

For delivery scenarios

  1. Will it actually be faster than current airplane/land delivery mechanisms?
  2. Is it to be used for delivery to remote locations?

In my opinion, it may serve the remote and/or moderate distance delivery scenario.

hoperyto  commented on  2021-04-16

Also why fly away when human approaches?
Trying to deal with actively antagonistic agents seems out of scope, capabilities. Just have a warning label on drone "Do Not Touch. Federal Crime". Assume some percentage will be lost. Prosecute few cases and publicize them, if necessary.

See the number of defaced bikes of bike sharing services at your nearest major city for reference 🙄

alb_d  commented on  2021-04-17

You mean bikes like this 🤣: