Real-time Updates & Stats for the Coronavirus

alb_d  posted on  2020-02-28

alb_d  commented on  2020-02-28

Found this site to be better among the many clones.

Extrapolating Covid19 trendline for India

alb_d  commented on  2020-03-21

alb_d  commented on  2020-03-21

The trend for covid19 cases is a steady line in log-linear graph for both India and US.
I wanted to calculate two things:

  1. At what rate are cases doubling in US and India.
  2. If we were to project out the trendline for India, how would the numbers look. It will be interesting to look back at these numbers in the future with 20/20 hindsight vision.

alb_d  commented on  2020-03-21

cases are doubling every 2.3 days in US and every 4.66 days in US.
Projection for number of confirmed cases in India:
day date confirmed#
0 2020-03-06 31
1 2020-03-07 35
2 2020-03-08 41
3 2020-03-09 48
4 2020-03-10 56
5 2020-03-11 65
6 2020-03-12 75
7 2020-03-13 87
8 2020-03-14 101
9 2020-03-15 118
10 2020-03-16 137
11 2020-03-17 159
12 2020-03-18 184
13 2020-03-19 214
14 2020-03-20 249
15 2020-03-21 288
16 2020-03-22 335
17 2020-03-23 389
18 2020-03-24 451
19 2020-03-25 524
20 2020-03-26 608
21 2020-03-27 705
22 2020-03-28 818
23 2020-03-29 950
24 2020-03-30 1102
25 2020-03-31 1279
26 2020-04-01 1485
27 2020-04-02 1723
28 2020-04-03 2000
29 2020-04-04 2320

Putting the Risk of Covid-19 in Perspective - The New York Times

alb_d  commented on  2020-06-13

Micromort - Wikipedia

alb_d  commented on  2020-06-21

Microlife - Wikipedia

alb_d  commented on  2020-06-21