Helmets are supposed to fit snugly around your head.
Really snugly. You should not be able to chew with the helmet on. And you should not be able to insert fingers between your helmet and your forehead. When you buy the helmet, it will be very tight. You have to give it some time for the foam to break in and mold to the shape of your helmet. In India I used to wear a helmet 2 sizes larger, which apparently doesn't allow the helmet to do its job properly.
You need Earplugs to ride on the highway
The noise levels are pretty high due to wind on the highway here, and are recommended even otherwise. Most people I know ride with earplugs on.
Wind buffeting
Again related to wind. At highway speeds you can feel the wind push you in different directions.
Tribe camaraderie
A passing motorcyclist will always acknowledge you even from the far side of the road.
Cars are scared of you
They leave a lot of buffer around you at a red light or highway.
Pin lock insert
You get a transparent moisture absorbing membrane to stick over your helmet visor which prevents fogging of the visor.
No turn off headlight option
Bikes here you cannot turn off the headlight.