The Top Idea in Your Mind {Paul Graham}

hoperyto  posted on  2020-03-28

hoperyto  commented on  2020-03-28

Importance of Top of Mind

"I think most people have one top idea in their mind
at any given time.

That's the idea their thoughts will drift toward
when they're allowed to drift freely.

And this idea will thus tend to get all the benefit
of that type of thinking, while others are starved
of it.

Which means *it's a disaster to let the wrong idea
become the top one in your mind."

hoperyto  commented on  2020-03-28

Control Environment to Control Top Of Mind

You can't directly control where your thoughts
If you're controlling them, they're not drifting.
But you can control them indirectly, by
controlling what situations you let yourself get

Be careful what you let become critical to you.
Try to get yourself into situations where the most
urgent problems are ones you want to think about.

hoperyto  commented on  2020-03-28

Specific Time Sink Thought Patterns to Avoid

I've found there are two types of thoughts
especially worth avoiding:

  1. Thoughts about money. Getting money is almost by
    definition an attention sink.

  2. The other is disputes. These too are engaging in
    the wrong way: they have the same velcro-like
    shape as genuinely interesting ideas, but without
    the substance. So avoid disputes if you want to
    get real work done

hoperyto  commented on  2020-03-28

Money as Time Sink

Money matters are particularly likely to
become the top idea in your mind.
The reason is that they have to be.
It's hard to get money.
It's not the sort of thing that happens by
It's not going to happen unless you let it
become the thing you think about in the
And then you'll make little progress on
anything else you'd rather be working on.

Just about every startup I've seen grinds to a
halt when they start raising money or
talking to acquirers.

hoperyto  commented on  2020-03-28

Disputes as Time Sink

Someone who does you an injury hurts you
first by the injury itself,
and second by taking up your time afterward
thinking about it.

If you learn to ignore injuries you can at
least avoid the second half